Spike,s favourite things….wrapping paper,paper bag and feather wand.

7 thoughts on “PURRFECT PLAYTIME.

  1. Reblogged this on Feline Café and commented:

    Zeke warns me these are good days to sleep. There are going to be a few stressful things going on later this week; so, we are going to take it easy and reblog Christine’s post about our friend Spike having a lot of fun, and dream about playing along with him in his “Purrfect Playtime”.


  2. Spike is enjoying the paper bags to hide in. The wrapping paper is very popular to play with here and requires no human assistance. Feather toys dangling are also fun. I see a home made mouse toy as well. Don’t let Craig in or there will be chaos! Here Is something I forgot to ask, which is, does Craig come in to use Spike’s litter-box? Somehow my cats get into the bags so they end up having their heads sticking out. Maybe Spike needs a bigger bag. I should have bought some reduced price Christmas wrapping paper to throw down in future.


    • Graig used Spikes litter box once so I thoroughly cleaned it out. I decided to buy Spike a new one with low edge at front so it would be easier for Spike to get in and out off. I don’t think Spike has yet used a litter box even although I keep him in at night. So now I have one for Graig and one for Spike just in case.

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